Switching Lenses addresses relevant and sometimes polarizing issues in today's culture. Josh and Shane dissect the culture's views and assumptions in order to address the underlying motivations behind the ideas. Once unveiled, these issues are placed under a biblical lens from an apologetical and theological perspective.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Avoiding the Significant Part 2- Willingly Distracted and Indifferent
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
We continue our series on the curious question of "Why do we tend to avoid conversations of ultimate importance and divert our attention from these significant questions and ideas?" In this episode we want to look at the role that distraction plays in all of this. We are all guilty to some degree of being distracted but how much of our day do we fill with distractions that keep our attention away from what or who is of utmost importance?
1:57 Recap of part 1 and intro of part 2
2:54 Types of distractions: Phones
4:47 Types of distractions: Television & Movies
6:40 Types of distractions: Busyness and Careers
8:40 Types of distractions: Pleasures
9:36 Blaise Pascal Quote about about our inability to sit alone quietly
14:02 Breakdown of Luke 14 and how the parable of the host of the great banquet applies to our distracted everyday lives.
21:49 Practical encouragement and advice
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Avoiding the Significant Part 1- What is Significant?
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
In part one of this three part series we take a look at a seemingly common mentality of avoiding conversations of ultimate significance. Why is this? We start in this first episode of simply establishing what IS significant or what is of ultimate significance. We finish the episode by helping to personally identify what we value and how much we value it.
All episodes and blog material can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Sunday May 03, 2020
Coronavirus Part 3- Reacting In Adverse Times
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
In the final episode of our Coronavirus series we question "How should we react in a troubled time such as this?" Is bunkering down and obtaining supplies using wisdom or is it reacting in fear? Is this really a very unique time with a very unique opportunity?
Music by Brian Buchanan
All episodes found at switchinglensespodcast.com

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Coronavirus Part 2- How do we value life?
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
We continue our three-part series on taking a look at our reaction to the coronavirus. We are seeing many different reactions to this virus and the potential threat it poses to some people's lives. So it prompts the question:"How do we value...life?" If I don't believe in God, or any life after this, how might I react when my life might be threatened? What if I do believe that this life isn't all there is? How might I react? We discuss all of this to provide some proper perspective on how we should react in these times.
Email the show at feedback@switchinglensespodcast.com
Visit switchinglensespodcast.com for all podcast episodes, videos, and blog articles.
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Abhiram Prakash from Pexels

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Coronavirus Part 1- Do we have a compromised expectation?
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
In this episode we ask "What is the expected reaction from the coronavirus?" Is this a grave injustice to humanity or is this just part of living in a broken world? We also look at how the advancement of technology has really shaped our expectation of how our lives should look and the associated disappointment when things go wrong.
Email the show at feedback@switchinglensespodcast.com
Visit switchinglensespodcast.com for all podcast episodes, videos, and blog articles.
Music by Brian Buchanan

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Q&A Face-off: 6 Tough Questions
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
On this episode we shake things up a bit. Josh and Shane have prepared difficult questions to ask each other without previously discussing them. These questions come from common questions and issues many people have about Christianity and the Bible. All questions are time-stamped below:
(6:43) Question 1- If I’m a good person who does more good things than bad and live a happy life, why would I need God?
(13:38) Question 2- How do approach sharing your faith with someone from a Muslim background or faith?
(20:05) Question 3- If God is all knowing and all-loving, why did He even put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden?
(28:18) Question 4- How do you explain the silence of God to a believer and non-believers?
(37:00) Question 5- If there was no death before the fall, why do so many animals have predatory features?
(42:47) Question 6- Most Christians believe that if a baby dies, they go to heaven. Is it possible that if that baby would have lived that they would have chosen a life apart from God?

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Don't Judge Me
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Don't judge me! This is a common response to moral correction or disapproval but does it have any merit? Are we ever allowed to point out mistakes or flaws in other people? Many will point to the Bible and say that it says "Don't judge others lest you be judged."
This topic can be a bit tricky but we will break this idea down in this episode. We will look at the intent of this phrase and other similar phrases dealing with "being judgmental." Then we will look at the natural outworking of a society that completely avoids "judging" others. Lastly we will hold it under the lens of the Bible and see what it says about judging others within the proper context.
Follow us on Twitter @lensesswitching and email us at switchinglensespodcast@gmail.com

Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Is Genesis compatible with the modern scientific view?
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
In this episode we approach the notion that the book of Genesis is incompatible with science and therefore is often viewed as myth. This view is becoming more and more popular due to a rising belief in scientism. But does the modern scientific view actually validate some of the Genesis creation narrative? Josh and Shane take a look at three claims:
- The consensus of recorded human history
- The common descent of man
- Life from non-life
Is there a congruency between the two? Follow the show on twitter @lensesswitching and you can email the show at switchinglensespodcast@gmail

Monday Nov 11, 2019
Evangelism with Chris Staron
Monday Nov 11, 2019
Monday Nov 11, 2019
We welcome author, writer, and host of the "Truce Podcast" Chris Staron to the show. We spend some time getting to know Chris and talk with him about his release of season 3 of the Truce Podcast. We also dive into the topic of evangelism in light of our previous episode "Is Evangelism Offensive" and provide our experiences and strategies of sharing the Gospel message with unbelievers.
You can info for the Truce Podcast at https://trucepodcast.com/

Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Is Evangelism Offensive?
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
On the latest episode of Switching Lenses we address the question “Is evangelism offensive?” According to a Barna Group survey there are many who share this sentiment that it is wrong to share your faith with someone in hopes that they will one day share the same faith. So, are personal beliefs so sacred that they are above any kind of dissenting views or objections? Have we reached a point where we are unable to disagree? And what happens if we hold up a particular belief and question its truthfulness? Join Shane and I as we dive into all of these questions and more in the episode entitled “Is Evangelism Offensive?”