Switching Lenses addresses relevant and sometimes polarizing issues in today's culture. Josh and Shane dissect the culture's views and assumptions in order to address the underlying motivations behind the ideas. Once unveiled, these issues are placed under a biblical lens from an apologetical and theological perspective.

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Political Preaching
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
In this episode we address some quotes from democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg. He has called out those across the political aisle, namely those professing a Christian worldview, and accusing them of disregarding what the Bible says in the name of partisan politics. Does Mr. Buttigieg have a case? Is there a legitimate claim of hypocrisy or are the claims unfounded? We will dive into 3 particular quotes on the topics of human sexuality, addressing poverty, and biblical interpretation.
Topic Intro/Disclaimer- 1:44
Quote 1- 7:36
Quote 2- 17:06
Quote 3- 30:33
Email the show at switchinglensespodcast@gmail.com

Monday Sep 02, 2019
Answering Hillsong's Marty Sampson
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
In this episode we address the claims of Hillsong's Marty Sampson. He states that he's "losing his faith" for a variety of reasons and we address these very reasons. Claims of biblical contradictions, problems of a loving God sending people to hell, and a few others. He claims that "nobody talks about (them)" so we will remedy that and discuss them in this episode.
3:31 Claim #1- Many preachers fall but nobody talks about it.
10:08 Claim #2- Not many miracles happen and nobody talks about it.
15:28 Claim #3- Why is the Bible full of contradictions and nobody talks about it?
23:20 Claim #4- How can a God be love and send 4 billion people to a place just because they don't believe, and nobody talks about it.
31:40 Claim #5- Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion. Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God.
Email the show at switchinglensespodcast@gmail.com with your comments and questions.

Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Quick Takes 1- The El Paso shooting and Marty Sampson
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
Saturday Aug 17, 2019
In this episode we try something a little bit different in something we like to call "Quick Takes." We first talk about the recent mass shootings. We discuss the common thread of loneliness and meaninglessness characterized by many mass shooters. Secondly we discuss Hillsong's Mary Sampson and his recent confession of losing his faith. We address not only the importance of asking good questions about our faith and the Bible but also the importance of someone providing a response.

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Is it your right?
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
In our highly polarized society we often hear talk about rights and how they are under attack or completely hijacked. But do we ever ask ourselves if we are actually entitled to that right and if so how? In this episode we take a look at the idea of claiming a right as a human right as opposed to simply a right granted by a body of government. We tackle the assumption of self-proclaimed rights and discuss how we use can hold those rights up to a biblical lens and see what is uncovered.
You can always contact the show via email at switchinglensespodcast@gmail.com
or on twitter @lensesswitching

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
The Illusion of the Individual
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
In this episode we discuss the idea of individualism versus a community of people and what it means. Does our society encourage or enable a sense of individualism? What role does technology, social networking, and politics play in this idea?
We get into the idea of a community of people functioning together and put it under the microscope. How does a community function and what does the Bible say about community. Are we simply complete individuals functioning independently of others or is there a strength and stability within the union of other individuals?
Email the show with your comments and questions at switchinglensespodcast@gmail.com
You can also reach us on Facebook @switchinglenses

Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Answering The Atheist Series Part 6- An Outdated Book?
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
Tuesday Jun 18, 2019
In this concluding episode of our Answering The Atheist series, we finish our discussion on the claim of two different Gods in the Old and New Testament. We tackle a couple of related questions like "Can grace and judgement coexist?" and "Can anger and love coexist?"
Lastly we address our final claim that the Bible is an outdated book that is no longer relevant in our progressive society. We examine the concept of truth and breakdown the term "progressive" and its implications.

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Answering The Atheist Pt5- A Bipolar God and An Outdated Book?
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
We have reached the conclusion of our Answering The Atheist series with this two part episode. In this first episode we discuss this claim that the God of the Bible is inconsistent throughout history. In the Old Testament God is always angry and vengeful with his enemies and even Israel. Meanwhile, in the New Testament, God as the person of Jesus Christ is loving and merciful to all, even to the destitute and rejected. This is a common claim but is this accurate? Join us as we expose the assumptions people tend to impose and show that the God of the Bible is consistent throughout the Bible.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Answering The Atheist Part 4- Enslaving Humans and Killing Cheaters
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
In our 4th episode of the "Answering The Atheist" series we dive into the topic of slavery in the Bible. This can be problematic for many Christians and point of contention for skeptics. We explore the Hebrew word "ebed" that gets translated at times as "slave" and provide the context of what "slavery" looked like in ancient Israel. We also address our modern conceptions of slavery and how we impose those on the Bible.
Our second topic we address is on the topic of adultery and the harsh penalty the Mosaic Law pronounced on the act. What do we with that in our modern times?
Remember you can always reach us on twitter @lensesswitching

Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Answering The Atheist Series Part 3- The Law (continued)
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
We resume our discussion on the Mosaic Law in this episode as a continuation from the previous episode. We answer questions like "What was the ultimate purpose of the Law?" and "What do we do with the law today?" We address these issues for the purpose of understanding the character of God in order to see His love, mercy, and justice interwoven through the tapestry of the Law. Only then can we avoid distortions of the the truth and properly view the Law for what it is and was.
Music provided by Brian Buchanan

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Answering The Atheist Part 2- The Law
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
We continue our series "Answering The Atheist" and frankly jump to a topic that we probably should have started with. Many accusations against the Bible stem from the Mosaic Law. The law is often viewed as too harsh or sometimes unjust from a modern mindset. In this Episode we will provide some context from the Biblical narrative that lead up to the Mosaic Law to help better understand it.
We went a little too long when recording this episode so we decided to cut it. We will continue our discussion in the following episode.