Switching Lenses addresses relevant and sometimes polarizing issues in today's culture. Josh and Shane dissect the culture's views and assumptions in order to address the underlying motivations behind the ideas. Once unveiled, these issues are placed under a biblical lens from an apologetical and theological perspective.

Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Answering The Atheist Series Part 1- Stoning Children and Hell
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
Tuesday Feb 26, 2019
This episode is the first of a series we are starting called "Answering The Atheist." In this episode we respond to two claims made against Christianity and the Bible. The first claim deals with the Mosaic law of stoning children who have demonstrated some level of disobedience or rebellion. The second claim concerns the fact that Jesus made mention of hell on quite a number of occasions within the Bible. How could a loving God ever send anyone to hell?
We will tackle both of these claims and offer up our responses to them. You can reach us on twitter @lensesswitching with any comments or questions and also information on new episodes.
Claim 1- 2:40
- The Scripture in question and clarification 3:29
- Societal implications 9:08
- The conflict with objective morality 13:49
Claim 2- 18:42
- Circular reasoning of moral judgements of objective morality 19:12
- Hell within the concept of time(or outside of time) 20:52
- Our desires on earth transcending into eternity 26:52
- Why isn't there an option "C" in eternity 31:58

Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Reacting to Wrongdoing
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
Tuesday Feb 05, 2019
In this episode we will take a look at our acts of wrongdoing. Why do we react the way we do when we mess up? How do others react? This dynamic creates a sense of shame. Why is that and what are the implications of it? We will explore this today on this episode of Switching Lenses.

Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Who Are We Looking For?
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
Wednesday Jan 09, 2019
In our first episode, we will discuss the questionable standard we seem to hold public figures to at times. Do we hold people to an impossible standard? If not, where is the "line" and how do we determine it? Where does forgiveness work it's way into these moral and character evaluations?
Contact us on twitter @LensesSwitching(this is the correct twitter handle contrary to what was said on the podcast) with your comments and criticism of anything we said.
Intro music provided by Brian Buchanan.