Switching Lenses addresses relevant and sometimes polarizing issues in today's culture. Josh and Shane dissect the culture's views and assumptions in order to address the underlying motivations behind the ideas. Once unveiled, these issues are placed under a biblical lens from an apologetical and theological perspective.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Season 1: Ep 2 ”How was our New Testament put together?”
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
In this episode we continue the conversation from the previous episode on asking "How did we get our Bible?" except we will look at how we got the New Testament we have today. We will look at 3 tests that are given to determine the whether or not ancient writings would be included in the New Testament. We also look at how the documents came together from divine inspiration to the writing process. Lastly, we will respond to the critique that the final version of the Bible was a result of a few select men from a church council deciding what would be in the Bible and what would be left out.
Music by Brian Buchanan

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Season 1: Ep 1 ”How was our Old Testament put together”
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
A popular question that has surfaced within our Western culture is the question “What is Truth?” In Season 1 we are going to begin to address this question and what better place to start that with the Bible. During this season we are going to address several questions non-Christians and Christians alike have about the Bible.
In this first episode we will address the question “Where did the Old Testament come from?” We get into the types of materials that were used to write on, how oral transmission worked, and common misunderstandings about the formation of the Bible.
- INTRO- WE”RE BACK!!! (00:35)
- Welcome to Season 1
- Introduce the new format
- Introduce Season 1- “What Is Truth”
- Give a teaser or brief summary of this episode
- Welcome to Season 1
- First, you have to establish a standard by which to judge whether or not something came from God or not. Most people who judge the legitimacy of the Bible have no such standard. (02:53)
- Personal past experience of how we thought the Bible came to be (06:20)
- Golden tablets from the sky (9:11)
- Biblical writers in a trance
- Parts were written in stone, others on clay pots
- We have several mentions of Moses being commanded to write down commands from God
- Exodus 34:27 “27 And the Lord said to Moses, “Write these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.” (13:04)
- Exodus 24:3-4 3 Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the rules.[a] And all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words that the Lord has spoken we will do.” 4 And Moses wrote down all the words of the Lord. He rose early in the morning and built an altar at the foot of the mountain, and twelve pillars, according to the twelve tribes of Israel.
- Supposed Jewish Council- Was there a council that canonized the Hebrew Bible?
- Definition of “canon” (15:19)
- Was there a Jewish council? (16:03)
- We have several mentions of Moses being commanded to write down commands from God
- Oral transmission was critical (19:23)
- Talk about how this worked
- Address the accusation of the oral transmission being similar to a game of Telephone.
- At some point you have to ask, “Are these writings historical accounts of actual events and actual encounters people had with God?” (22:59)
- Some think the authors of these books in the Bible are biased in some way but they are writings just like we have of other historical events and people throughout history. We just need to ask the question “Are they reliable?”
- Jesus recognized books of the Hebrew Bible by often referring to “The Scripture” and “As it is written.
- Shane comment about Psalms (25:35)
- Parts were written in stone, others on clay pots
- Outro
- Website www.switchinglensespodcast.com
- Social media
- Twitter @lensesswitching
- Find us on Facebook and Instagram
Email the show at feedback@switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan and Trap Lofi Guitar Beat [ FREE NO COPYRIGHT ] lost found - soloftt x lowly in heart x middle child

Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
We finally finish our discussion on the topic of abortion in this third and final episode. We begin by responding to some popular criticisms of those who are anti-abortionists. Criticisms such as:
1. "What do we do when a woman is pregnant as a result of rape?"
2. A fetus is "just a clump of cells"
Next we look at what it looks like to fully walk out the title of "pro-life." What should we be doing to support ALL life as a community and as individuals? Finally we end this whole discussion with a message of hope and forgiveness for anyone who has had an abortion. A hope that can only come from Jesus Christ.
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Bardo Luna from Pexels

Friday Jun 24, 2022
Is The Right To Life Defensible? Pt2- ”Responding to Pro-Abortion Reasoning”
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
In the episode we continue the conversation from the previous episode addressing the topic of abortion and look specifically at pro-abortion reasoning. We respond to the following arguments:
- Personal autonomy- "My body, my rules"
- The underlying assumption of "the right to be as sexually active as desired"
- "The baby doesn't feel pain during the abortion"
We end the episode beginning a defense of some of the claims made against those who oppose abortion. We tackle the questions made about mothers in tough economic situations and then perhaps the most widely-used argument of pregnancy from rape.
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Thirdman from Pexels

Saturday May 14, 2022
Is The Right To Life Defensible? Part 1
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022
Is the anti-abortion, defense of human life actually defensible? In this first segment of our discussion we first look to see what the Bible says about human value and when "being" or "existence" is recognized. Does the Bible recognize "being" after the womb, during, or perhaps before? Next we begin to address some of the common reasoning given by supporters of abortion. Personal autonomy is a growingly popular reason being given. Is personal autonomy a reasonable stance? Does anyone actually want personal autonomy when it is fully "walked out."
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Janko Ferlic from Pexels

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Through The Lens Of Hope- Is There Hope Amid Climate Concerns?
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
We continue our series discussing the hopelessness many people find themselves drowning in due to many factors. In this episode we direct our focus on the issue of climate change. Many feel that humanity is doomed on some level. Some are foregoing the decision to bring children into the world while others feel like they will have far less opportunities than previous generations. Regardless of your views on climate change, we want to bring a message of hope.
1:32 -"Eco-anxiety"
4:21 -Is this the first time we have faced impending doom?
7:51 -The importance of worldview when discussing climate concerns and potential effects
10:31 -If I'm a Christian, how should I view this issue?
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

Monday Jan 17, 2022
Through the Lens of Hope Pt1- Is Hope Just Wishful Thinking?
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
It seems more than ever that people have a sense of hopelessness when it comes to their own future and the future of humanity. This is largely due to fears associated with climate change and the COVID pandemic. Some question whether or not any hope exists. In this episode we get into the word "hope". What does it mean and is it something people just dream up to make themselves feel better or does the Christian faith offer legitimate reason for hope?
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan

Monday Nov 22, 2021
The Silent Identity of Gender Pt3- The Battle of the Self
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
In the final episode of our series on gender identity, we look at some of the claims of the transgender community and we apply what we covered in the first two episodes of the series. We then ask the questions “How does God view or will humans in terms of their make-up, strengths, and deficiencies?” Do we focus on what we don’t have and how we are lacking or have we been gifted with a unique makeup of strengths that can benefit the greater community and bring glory to God. Lastly we will look at the condition of gender dysphoria with compassion for what others go through and the inner struggle that plagues those who suffer with it.
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Vovan Gord from Pexels

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
The Silent Identity of Gender Part 2- Worshipping At My Altar
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
We often hear the phrases like "find your own truth", "follow your heart", and "your feelings matter most." More and more we are seeing the "self" being elevated to a level that is to never be questioned. Do we have a culture that values the “self” above all? What degree of importance do we place on someone’s feelings or emotions? In this episode we will discuss the existence of self-deification, how our feelings can deceive, and the need to die to ourselves.
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan

Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
The Silent Identity of Gender Part 1- Acknowledging The Evil Inside
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
The divide within the "gender" debate is well established and remains a controversial subject to say the least. There are some who are struggling with their own confusion about their gender and others who just aren't sure what to think about the issue. During this series we are going to break this subject down to its core. We are going to build a case to show the what lies behind the mindset of "self-identity" by first, in this first episode, evaluating the human condition. We like to describe people(and ourselves) as "good" people but what does that mean? What kind of evil lies in all of us? What does the Bible say about the condition of humanity? All of this will set up the next episode as we build our case for exposing the silent identity of gender.
All episodes can be found at www.switchinglensespodcast.com
Music by Brian Buchanan
Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels